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FLUX: Water  (2o22)   is  a  narrative  on  constant  change  and  balance.   Inaction  in  action.   The  process  of  flowing.
A continuous loop of moving inward and outward is inviting the audience to get on the stage, to flow together.

FLUX: On The Road (2o23)  is  a  story  of Attachment and Detachment.


It is the journey of two wanderers, crossing paths, falling in love and falling apart, repeatedly; a continuous loop of encounters beyond timelines and lifespans, and finally realizing the illusion of the duality of being “me” and “you”:


There is only being part of a whole. Being one.

FLICKER (2o23)  is a juxtaposition of footages and sounds, a research in an urban scale; depiction of a continuous loop of locomotion and momentary stagnation.


It is an improvisation through the perception of time, of visuals and sounds, in the dark, where the city’s supposed to be asleep.

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